About Transport Data Commons Initiative

Full list of participating organizations

Transport Data Commons is a initiative of individuals and organizations who are passionate about sustainable transportation and want to increase the use and impact of data in this sector. Our focus is on creating a common platform where transport-related data can be shared, analyzed, and utilized to help make informed decisions and create sustainable transportation solutions.

Through collaboration and open sharing of data, our aim is to foster innovation and drive positive change in the transportation industry.

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The People Behind TDC

The TDC team consists of dedicated professionals who are passionate about sustainable transportation and are committed to facilitating data sharing, analysis, and collaboration for the benefit of the community.

Sheilah WatsonFIA Foundation, Global Fuel Economy Initiative

Sheila Watson is Deputy Director of the FIA Foundation, a UK-based Charity which is committed to promoting safe sustainable mobility across the world. Sheila leads the Foundation’s work on environmental and sustainability issues, clean air and gender, as well as its research programme. She is also Executive Secretary to the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI), which seeks to support the development of fuel economy policies across the world, and The Real Urban Emissions Initiative (TRUE) which id using real world emissions data to support the uptake of clean vehicles. Sheila is a board member of several mobility initiatives and projects such as the World Bank’s sustainable mobility for all (SUM4ALL) project. She was recently named as one of the 40 most influential women in transport by the German Government.

James DixonClimate Compatible Growth (funded by FCDO)

James Dixon is research fellow with the Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, working on tools and open data to support transport pathway development in different mobility contexts. In the Transport Data Commons, he is part of the Data Architecture team and the Expert Prototype team.

Kirsten OrschulokGerman Development Cooperation (GIZ)

Kirsten Orschulok is technical advisor in GIZ and works on data for climate-friendly transport with focus on Asia. For the Transport Data Commons, she is part of the organisation team and coordinates the Expert Prototype team. In the previous work, she worked thematically on GHG inventories and transparency with different countries, e.g. the Thailand, Philippines, Ghana and Vietnam.

Mark HowellsClimate Compatible Growth (funded by FCDO)

Mark Howells is the CCG Programme Director. He is jointly appointed at Loughborough University and Imperial College, London. Previously at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden he set up their prestigious Energy Systems Analysis programme. He led the development of some of the world's premier open source energy, resource, and spatial electrification planning tools; published in several Nature Journals; coordinated the European Commission's think tank for Energy; is regularly used by the United Nations as a science-policy expert; and is a key contributor to UNDESA's 'Modelling Tools for Sustainable Development Policies' initiative. His work has contributed to efforts for NASA, IRENA, ABB, the World Bank, and others. He sits on the advisory panels of leading US and European institutes. Prior to joining academia, Mark had an award winning career with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mark's graduate and post-graduate studies were undertaken at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. While there he was an international research affiliate at Stanford's Program on Energy and Sustainable Development and represented the World Energy Council's student programme.

Holger DalkmannClimate Compatible Growth (funded by FCDO)

Holger Dalkmann advises CCG on their national and international partnership strategy as well as leading the research on electrifying transport. He has over twenty-five years of experience working in the field of transport, cities, sustainability, and climate change. He is founder and CEO of his own business (Sustain 2030) based in Berlin, Germany. He operates as an independent consultant providing strategic and technical advice for a variety of organizations like the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Volvo Research Foundation (VREF), UNCRD, and Agora Verkehrswende. For FCDO, he works as a Senior Advisor on High Volume Transport (HVT) where he recently published several documents on COVID-19 impacts on the transport sector. He is a frequent speaker and moderator at international events. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Steering Committee of the World Conference for Transport Research Society. Holger is one of the co-founders of the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT). He has been on the SLOCAT board since 2013 and acted as Interim Secretary General in 2018. From 2011 until 2017 he worked for the World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C. He was Director for its Sustainable Mobility programme (EMBARQ), which catalysed environmentally and financially sustainable urban transport solutions to improve quality of life in cities with six offices around the world. He was responsible for more than 150 employees. During his former work at the UK-based consultancy, TRL, and for ten years at the Wuppertal Institute for Energy, Climate and Environment (Germany), a world respected think tank, Holger worked in more than thirty countries on mobility, environment, and climate change. Holger holds a Master’s degree in Geography and taught at the University of Duisburg and University of Trier. He has published over 100 articles including the influential Avoid-Shift-Improve concept.

Verena KnöllGerman Development Cooperation (GIZ)

As an urban geographer and a passionate cyclist, I have always been interested in transport and mobility. I am driven by a vision of sustainable mobility that enhances both the quality of human life and of the natural environment. Having lived in different cities around the world, I highly value international exchange and cooperation. I am convinced that global challenges require cooperative solutions. I am thus glad to support the TraCS project team in aligning transport and climate action plans in emerging economies and developing countries.


Unlocking the Potential of Transportation Data: Insights, Innovations, and Best Practices for a Sustainable Future.

15 - 16 Oct 2024
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Leipziger Messe GmbH (CCL), Germany
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Unlocking the Potential of Transportation Data: Insights, Innovations, and Best Practices for a Sustainable Future.

Bonnie GreenPosted in 📚 Sources • 3 weeks ago

The Union Internationale des Chemins de fer UIC International Union of Railways has a statistics unit: Information about the unit and its activities

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