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Transport Data Commons aims to improve access, sharing, and analysing transportation data for a more sustainable future.

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TDC enables cross-sector collaboration by allowing organisations to share and access transportation-related data.

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TDC supports data providers with technical knowledge and ensures data security.

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TDC provides SDMX standardised data sets for transport, including transparent metadata.

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Explore available datasets and gain valuable insights into the transportation trends globally

TDC Formatted

ADB Asian Transport Outlook Database

Transport data
Vehicle registration
+2 more

Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) is initiated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen the knowledge base on transport in the Asia-Pacific region. The ATO is developed in support of the planning and delivery of ADB Transport Sector Assistance. The ATO also supports Asian governments in transport policy development and delivery. ADB is working with other interested parties in developing the ATO as an instrument to track the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Paris Agreement and other relevant international agreements on sustainable development in the transport sector.

Updated on 23 March, 2023
TDC Formatted

TDC Global Vehicle Registration

Vehicle registration
Transport data

This dataset and documentation contains detailed information on vehicle registration around the world, a harmonised and up to date transport data set of historical values, 1970 - 2022.

Updated on 23 March, 2023
TDC Harmonised

TDC Global Passenger Activity

Passenger activity
Transportation behaviour

This dataset contains survey data collected from residents of various urban areas, providing insights into transportation behaviors, preferences, and challenges. It can be used to inform the development of sustainable urban mobility solutions and policies.

Updated on 23 March, 2023
TDC Harmonised

TDC Global Passenger Activity

Passenger activity
Transportation behaviour

This dataset contains survey data collected from residents of various urban areas, providing insights into transportation behaviors, preferences, and challenges. It can be used to inform the development of sustainable urban mobility solutions and policies.

Updated on 23 March, 2023

TDC Global Vehicle Registration

Vehicle registration
Transport data

This dataset and documentation contains detailed information on vehicle registration around the world, a harmonised and up to date transport data set of historical values, 1970 - 2022.

Updated on 23 March, 2023

Contribute data to the Transport Data Commons

Help us build a more comprehensive and diverse transportation data repository by contributing your own transportation-related datasets.

Increase the visibility of your data

Your data will be visible to a wider audience, including researchers, policy makers, and businesses, who can use it to inform their decisions.

Make an impact

Contributing data to TDC can help inform the development of impactful and sustainable transportation solutions that can benefit society and the environment.

Improve your data quality

Your data will be visible to a wider audience, including researchers, policy makers, and businesses, who can use it to inform their decisions.

Improved data is essential to support better informed decisions and deliver improved transport systems and operations

We are looking for years for a high quality database delivering transport data for Southern countries, we regularly work with. Data quality is hindering a lot our work on quantifying the impact of transport on climate change and local pollution levels. Finding solution starts with having quality data. We are therefore thrilled to be part of this incredible initiative.

Frequently asked questions

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